Photo Gallery: Summer 2019
September 19th, 2019
Entrance to Manzanares during English workshop Team from the Cellar Church with Manzanares English class helpers Exodus team and some of congregation at Santa Cruz Exodus team at church in Santa Cruz Exodus teams and Spanish young people at Monescillo literature table, Castellar Musical presentation at Castellar Spanish and N Irish young people in Castellar, waiting for a procession from Catholic Church to go through the plaza Open Air Meeting at Moral Moral; sme of the Cellar Church team helping with face painting Moral; children’s work with the Cellar Church team The Cellar Church team fom the UK, with Hosé Luís and David & Jacky. In the mornings, some of the team redecorated the Moral church…. … whilst others helped with the English class at Manzanaries. Moral; Holiday Bible Club Moral, Holiday Bible Club Moral, Holiday Bible Club