Questions you may be asking..

Who are SGM?

One of the oldest Missionary Societies working in Spain. We have been there since 1913. We have worked through both good and bad times and in different parts of the country. At the moment we help support workers in Ciudad Real in central Spain (south of Madrid).

Why are you in Spain?

The land of Spain needs the Gospel. Half the population have little or no chance of hearing the good news of salvation. Only 1 settlement in 16 has any gospel witness. Some provinces have less than a hundred Evangelicals. False sects are growing at an alarming rate. Opportunities for proclaiming the truth are unlimited.

What are you doing?

Evangelism by means of preaching, open-air meetings, children’s work, holiday Bible clubs, personal work. Church planting, so that those who are converted can have the support of other Christians. Training leaders and workers for the growing Church. Promoting the work of the Gospel through our Conference Centre in central Spain.

What is your Basis of Faith?

You can read our Basis of Faith by clicking the button below. It is formatted for printing (set your printer to A4 portrait).

What can I do?

  1. Pray. This is Spain’s greatest need. Regular and informed prayer is vital. God uses the prayers of his people to fulfil his gracious purposes for Spain. Click on the “Pray for Spain” button below for prayer news.
  2. Give. The work of the Gospel costs money. The Lord has always graciously supplied the need, and we trust him to continue to do so. He uses the gifts of his people.
  3. Go. Spaniards need to hear the good news of the Gospel. God does not speak to them in an audible voice. He uses those of his people who are willing to go.