Mission House

The Centre

The Centre began life towards the end of the 19th century. Parts of the building are more than 100 years old and in typical La Mancha artchitecture. It became an ordinary Spanish house with some outbuildings and these have gradually been refurbished, added to and linked together to make the Centre.
This Centre has played an important part in the development of the mission’s work. Down through the years the Centre has served the church in Spain in many ways. Its functions have been many and varied and have included a clinic, orphanage, part-time residential Bible School and latterly as a centre for camps and conferences. As a mission we are convinced that there is still a need for a place like this where Christians can be built up in their faith and others reached for Christ..
The Centre was closed for extensive repair and renovation – partly to improve its facilities and partly to bring it up to 21st century standards. Steve Storey, a qualified builder, did much of the work himself, the remainder being done by a mixture of contractors, skilled friends and unskilled volunteers. The Centre has facilities for day and weekend conferences, church retreats and young people’s camps.
Update: January 2018
Recently, a kind and generous donation allowed us to render and paint the outside walls and also to tile the steps of the multi-purpose room which has a terrace on the top. The terrace is used as a recreational area.
The upper photo shows the completed room, with a storage area at the end, accessed via the metal door. The lower photo shows José painting the outside walls of the extended shower blocks.

The Workers

Hello. In the first place I would like to thank you for your prayers and interest in our family. It’s comforting to know that we can pray for one another without knowing each other’s names or appearance. We would like to suggest a few themes for prayer and talk about our family and work, so that together we can pray to our heavenly father for His work and the spreading of the gospel in this region.
My wife is called Lidia Valero, my daughter’s name is Abigail and my son is called Josué. We were brought up in the Valdepeñas church and our lives always revolved around the work of the church, the example of our parents determining that the work of the Lord was the priority in our lives.
My wife and I were both using our gifts in the service of the Lord. Not that our lives were a bed of roses – we suffered much as a family in the work and service of the church, but the Lord proved faithful and kind. We thank the Lord that he opened the door to work with the Mission in Monescillo, the Mission House, which we now manage and work in.
For now it is enough that you pray for help in our work and a vision for the future in the proclamation of the gospel so that many bend the knee to the Saviour and experience His kindness and love. (Titus 3:3-7)
Greetings and thanks, José Valero
What does the Centre get involved in?
Various individuals, groups and organisations use the Centre for one reason or another. It has hosted family groups for wedding guests and anniversary meals, conference lunches, church barbeques, children’s camps, pastors’ meetings etc. The SGM pastors and members of their congregation use Monescillo as their headquarters for the evangelistic campaign which takes place in July. Volunteers from Northern Ireland help in the campaign and use the Centre for accommodation and meals.
Some photos of the activities in the Centre during Autumn 2019 can be seen by clicking here.
Why not come and visit?
Friends, church groups are welcome to visit and see at first hand what rural Spain is like and how needy the area is for the gospel. The people are locked into their traditions and superstitions. Please pray for the Lord to soften their hard hearts and turn to Him.